Another visit from the French that never happened
Alas, Covid saw off our exchange with our French friends once again in 2021.
Here is the exchange between the Chairman of Abbotskerswell Twinning and the President of the French Jumelage for Le Pre D'Auge et les Monceaux
in French | in English |
13 May 2021 Chères Annick et Denis, Nous vous remercions beaucoup pour votre message. Il a fait très froid ici et nous sommes en train d'avoir beaucoup de pluie avec de très mauvaises prévisions pour le week-end. Donc même si nous avions pu vous accueillir, il aurait été très humide et froid! C'est tellement dommage que nous devions attendre la prochaine fois, mais nous pensons à vous tous. Nous avons de nouveaux membres avec des enfants qui souhaitent se joindre à nous dans nos échanges avec vous et les enfants sont très enthousiastes à l'idée de se plonger dans la culture française. Peut-être pouvons-nous faire quelque chose pour que les enfants échangent des adresses e-mail afin qu'ils puissent commencer à s'écrire? Que pensez-vous de cette idée? Liz Clowes, Chairman, Abbotskerswell Twinning Association |
Dear Annick and Denis,
We thank you so much for your message. It has been very cold here and we are in the middle of having a lot of rain with a very poor forecast for the weekend. So even if we had been able to host you, it would have been very wet and cold!
It is such a shame that we have to wait for the next time, but we are thinking of you all. We have new members with children who are keen to join us in our exchanges with you and the children are very excited about getting to immerse themselves into the French culture. Perhaps we can do something about getting the children exchanging email addresses so that they can start to write to each other? What do you think about this idea? |
13 May 2021 Hello nos amis, Denis se joint à moi pour vous transmettre toutes nos amicales pensées en ces jours où nous devrions être ensemble C'est encore bien triste de ne pas pouvoir se retrouver cette année mais nous pensons beaucoup à vous qui êtes de l'autre côté de la Manche mais aussi embêtés que nous par ce "vilain virus". Nous espérons que chez vous tout le monde va bien. Bien amicalement, A bientôt de tes nouvelles Annick et Denis |
13 May 2021 Hello our friends, Denis joins me in sending you all our friendly thoughts on these days when we should be together It is still very sad not to be able to meet again this year but we think a lot of you who are on the other side of the Channel but as annoyed as us by this "nasty virus". We hope everyone is doing well with you. Sincerely, See you soon |
Zoom Quiz 14 May 2021
Hopefully we will soon be able to meet in person, but in order to get us used to grown up conversation, a quiz was held by Zoom on the 14 May 2021 for Twinning members.
We had distributed drinks and nibbles beforehand and also some sunflower seeds in anticipation of a competition to be judged in September.
Huge thanks to Celia Rose for organising the quiz and congratulations to one of our newest members, Ruth, for winning the quiz.
AGM January 2021
Visit from the French 2020
Alas, the visit from the French was postponed as soon as we understood that the virus would prevent us from getting together. We have invited them over for next year.
Here is a little exchange between the French President Annick Dumont and Liz Clowes the Chairman of Abbotskerswell Twinning;
Dear Annick
It should be the happiest day of the year with our alarm clock (reference to the picture of the cockerel) to take care of our French friends in Abbotskerswell. But alas, we are separated by this horrible virus.
We send you our love and best wishes and we look forward to talking to you about having you here next year at this time.
From Annick to Liz;
Hello Liz,
thank you for your lovely message.
Yes, we should have spent this extended weekend together with our English friends, it's very sad not to be able to meet all together.
This virus has done a lot of damage. No one has been touched here around me, as far as I know. I hope it is the same with you in the village and in all your families and friends.
In our family, everyone went back to work. And how does it work with you? Apparently you are still confined until the beginning of June, it's a long time.
Pending some more news from Twinning, take good care of all of you
Denis joins me to send you our regards
Have a great day to all of you
Bonjour Liz, merci de ton charmant message. Eh oui nous devions passer ce week end prolongé ensemble avec nos amis anglais, c'est bien triste de ne pas pouvoir se retrouver tous ensemble. Ce virus a beaucoup fait de dégâts. Ici autour de nous personne n'a été touché, à ce que je sache. J'espère qu'il en est de même chez vous au village et dans toutes vos familles et vos amis. Dans notre famille, tout le monde à repris le travail. Et chez vous comment cela se passe-t-il ? Apparemment vous êtes encore confinés jusqu'au début du mois de juin, c'est bien long. En attendant quelques autres nouvelles du Jumelage, prenez bien soin de vous tous Denis se joint à moi pour t'embrasser Bonne journée à tous Annick |
AGM January 2020
Our next meeting was in Church House on Saturday 4th January 2020 and was our annual general meeting where chairman Julie Arrow reviewed the past year.
A new chairman and committee were elected and plans for 2020 discussed.
Christmas dinner 2019
With the festive season upon us, the Abbotskerswell Twinning Association held our annual dinner-dance so as not to miss out on any celebrations.
This year, we decided to stay in the village holding the event at our usual meeting location of Church House and laying on a spread of food prepared by members.
We were welcomed with glasses of Prosecco and pre-dinner nibbles.
We then had some superb roast beef and two poached salmon cooked respectively by Gary Wills and Garry Kendall - must be some connection between their names and good food.
Salads, dauphinoise potatoes and a selection of puds and cheeses completed the meal before taking to the dance floor with songs and music from guitarist Tom Beattie making a return visit to us.